Offer a Plethora of Refreshments with Franklin Vending Services

healthy vending service and water service in Franklin Music City Refreshments goes above and beyond to ensure you enjoy the best Franklin vending service. Choose from a range of snack vending, beverage vending, and food vending options to complete your Franklin break room. Making a purchase is easy and convenient for customers thanks to our modern vending machines that accept multiple payment options. Additionally, remote monitoring allows us to keep our Franklin vending machines stocked with all of your favorite products.

Perk up Franklin Employees with an Office Coffee and Water
Filtration Service

office coffee solutions and vending machine solutions in FranklinTransform your break room into a café with our Franklin office coffee service. From gourmet coffees and teas to the latest coffee brewers, we ensure a top-notch experience. Franklin employees can make specialty coffees using a single-cup service or a bean-to-cup machine. Additionally, make coffee by the pot with our traditional coffee brewers. We’ll also ensure you never run out of creamer, sweetener, stir sticks, and other essentials.

Enhance your break room further with our Franklin water filtration service. A water cooler can encourage friendly conversation and even boost company culture as employees chat while hydrating. Just press the tap to enjoy hot or cold water free of impurities. At the same time, fresh filtered water can improve the taste of coffee and tea.

Franklin Micro-Markets Customized to Fit Your Space and Needs

micro-markets and snack vending machines in FranklinA Franklin micro-market is an attractive amenity that can boost morale and improve productivity. How does it work? A micro-market offers a wide range of products, including fresh foods, snacks, and refreshing beverages. Your Franklin employees can peruse the products before checking out at the self-serve kiosk. This Franklin break room service adapts to your space and preferences. Employees will love the convenience of quality on-site food such as sandwiches, salads, and popular snacks and treats.

View your Franklin break room as a perk with service from Music City Refreshments at
615-719-9089 or email us at