Bowling Green, KY Break Time Routine | Office Snacks | Nashville, TN Vending Drinks

5 Necessities of a Healthy Nashville, TN & Bowling Green, KY Break Time Routine

Is your staff making the most of their break time routine? If not, it’s time they should be. That’s because mini breaks reduce stress. They can also improve your mood, health, and productivity. Thus, employees feel and perform their best. Unfortunately, employees might not use their breaks wisely, or, they may skip them altogether. That’s because employees may not have access to great options or may feel that they are wasting time.

So, how can you boost your team’s break-time routine? With better Nashville, TN & Bowling Green, KY break room services! Music City Refreshments can help. Learn the five break room must-haves for healthy breaks.

1. Hydration Stations

Employees must stay hydrated. If they don’t, they might have headaches or dizziness. Dehydration can also make you tired. Therefore, it’s important to drink plenty of water. Proper hydration keeps employees alert and energized, which supports their well-being.

Help employees stay hydrated. How? Provide them with plenty of drink options like offering beverages in your Nashville, TN & Bowling Green, KY vending machines. Music City Refreshments makes this easy! We have bottled water, juices, energy drinks, and more.

A Nashville, TN & Bowling Green, KY water filtration service also helps. It can be attached to your existing water lines and removes chemicals that affect smell and taste. Thus, water is fresher. Employees can enjoy cold or hot filtered water, adding it to drinks and tea. This makes it easier to stay hydrated.

2. Healthy Break Time Routine Snacks

Tempt employees into the break room with delicious snacks. Stock your vending machines with tons of options that employees can grab 24/7. Thus, they’ll feel full between meals. Snacks can also improve energy levels. Are employees feeling groggy? Give their brains a break by enticing them to step away from their desk and head to the break room. There, they can load up on healthy snacks.

Ask Music City Refreshments about our Nashville, TN & Bowling Green, KY micro-market solutions. These mini-stores offer fresh meals and healthy choices. Enjoy a fresh salad or sandwich for lunch. Micro-markets are in your building. Thus, employees can buy fresh food on-site. This saves them time from rushing to the store.

3. Comfy Seats

Nobody likes sitting on cold, uncomfortable seats. Make your Nashville, TN & Bowling Green, KY break room comfy and cozy as this encourages more employees to use it. Add a table and some new chairs. You can also get a couch that way employees will have room to relax. They’ll also be able to eat lunch together.

Bowling Green, KY Micro-Market | Nashville, TN Vending Machines Micro-Breaks | Healthy Food

Proper lighting and temperature go a long way. Use soft, inviting lighting to create a relaxing space. Keep the temperature at a comfortable level too, so employees will be more inclined to use the break room.

4. Connect with Coworkers During Your Break Time Routine

It’s important for employees to connect so they feel like part of a team. Promote workplace connections with delicious drinks, such as a Nashville, TN & Bowling Green, KY bean-to-cup coffee machine. This makes the break room feel like a café. Employees can enjoy gourmet coffee together. They can also make lattes or cappuccinos which encourages them to take more coffee breaks. Employees can chat with coworkers at the coffee bar. This fosters connection and collaboration.

5. Celebrate Your Crew

A better break routine starts with company culture. Encourage employees to take more breaks with Free Vend. You’ll cover the costs and employees can enjoy complimentary snacks and drinks. Another idea is to add money to their micro-market accounts so employees can buy discounted food. This is a great way to reward your team. It also improves workplace culture and employee satisfaction.

Improve Your Break Time Routine

Enhance your break time routine with superior break room services. Music City Refreshments is here to help. We offer plenty of quality vending items. We also provide top-notch micro-market, office coffee, and water filtration solutions.

Want to know more? Contact us today at (615) 719-9089. We look forward to speaking to you!

Nashville Breakfast Options | Bowling Green Office Food | Vending Service

3 Breakfast Replacements to Try in Your Nashville & Bowling Green Break Room

Mornings can be hectic. Getting to work on time sometimes means you don’t have time for breakfast. Yet, there’s a good reason people say it’s the most important meal of the day. Without that morning meal, it can be hard to be productive and get work done. So, if you missed breakfast this morning, look for one of these options in your Nashville & Bowling Green break room.

1. Protein-Rich Snacks

Chances are your Nashville & Bowling Green vending machine has some healthy snacks high in protein. And when looking for a good breakfast replacement, something that’s high in protein is a great choice. Why? Because protein helps you feel full for a long time. Plus, protein helps keep your blood sugar stable. That means you’ll have the energy you need for your busy workday.

Some good vending products to try include protein-rich granola bars and protein bars. Many vending machines also offer meat snacks such as jerky, which are also high in protein. Yet another option is a fortified drink.

2. Breakfast Foods

Would you prefer a more traditional breakfast? Our Nashville & Bowling Green micro-market refreshment service solution offers lots of choices. Take a look in the glass front cooler for egg sandwiches, hard-boiled eggs, or yogurt. You can also find a variety of cereals and whole fruit in the micro-market.

Bowling Green Micro-Market Breakfast | Nashville Office Coffee Service | Productivity

To complement your breakfast, visit your Nashville & Bowling Green office coffee service. For many people, a cup of coffee is important for starting the day off right. Serve up a cappuccino from the single-cup coffee service. Or, make a hot cup of tea.

3. Drinkable Breakfast Options

If you’re in a rush, a filling drink can be the perfect, quick breakfast. For example, why not try some milk? Both chocolate and plain milk are breakfast staples. Milk is great for bone health because it has calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and protein. Find dairy milk and plant-based alternatives in the coolers of your micro-market. Or, check your cold drink beverage vending machine.

Another great breakfast drink is fruit juice. Fruit juices provide vitamins and minerals your body needs. Plus, they offer a boost of sugar to get you energized. Pair them with a healthy snack to sustain your energy, such as nuts and trail mix.

Don’t forget to hydrate! Although water isn’t considered a breakfast food, it’s essential for your body. In order to drink enough water, start drinking water in the early morning and drink often throughout the day. Head to your break room to fill your water bottle.

Need better-tasting water? We offer Nashville & Bowling Green water filtration services. Our water filtration systems filter out anything that makes water taste bad. It’s also great for making your office coffee taste better.

Bring More Breakfast Foods to Your Break Room

Does your Nashville & Bowling Green break room need more breakfast options? Having these foods in the break room is important for keeping employees energized and productive. When employees can easily access healthy, filling foods and snacks, they can get work done.

Music City Refreshments is here to help stock your break room with a wide variety of breakfast options. Get in touch today at (615) 719-9089.