Bowling Green Vending Machines | Office Micro-Market Snacks | Nashville Employee Benefit

Micro-Market or Vending Machine: Which is Right for Your Nashville & Bowling Green Break Room

Are you looking for the best way to elevate your Nashville & Bowling Green break room? Many refreshment solutions can improve your workplace culture and make life easier for your employees. When it comes down to choosing between a micro-market and vending machines, it can be hard to know which one to choose. Thus, we’ve put together a few considerations to help you decide which break room service is the best fit for your company. Take a look!

Consider Break Room Access

Is your break room accessed only by employees? If so, a Nashville & Bowling Green micro-market could be a good fit. A micro-market is an open market filled with hundreds of products. Employees can find their favorite refreshments just steps away from their desks. A self-checkout kiosk makes purchases easy. We use security cameras and remote monitoring to ensure a secure shopping experience in your micro-market.

Vending machines may be a better choice for common areas such as lobbies or open break rooms that are accessed by customers and visitors. A vending machine also allows 24-hour access to beverages and snacks without any security risks. Plus, we can customize your product menu!

Bowling Green Break Room Solutions | Nashville Healthy Snacks | Micro-Market Fresh Food

A Micro-Market is Best for Full Meals

Do your Nashville & Bowling Green employees need meals? With the coolers and open shelves of a micro-market, there is more room for a diverse range of products. We can stock your micro-market with fresh foods, salads, sandwiches, meals, and more! That means employees can find satisfying and healthy lunch options onsite. Or, they can grab a filling snack before an early meeting or when staying late.

If there are many eating options in the area, a Nashville & Bowling Green vending machine is a great choice. Providing fast, delicious options, a vending machine is always ready to use. Purchase a cold drink, candy bar, or a piping hot cup of coffee for a quick pick-me-up.

Upgrade Your Break Room with a Micro-Market or Vending Service

What are you hoping to accomplish with your break room upgrade? If you want a simple employee perk, a vending machine might be ideal. It gives just a little something extra in the break room. Simply include a mix of popular items. We can add brand-name chips, candy, and healthy items. In addition, we handle all the restocking, so there is no hassle for your facility manager.

If you want to really wow employees, then opt for a Nashville & Bowling Green micro-market. This break room solution is a great employee retention tool. It offers a modern, contemporary look. Like a small store in the break room, it creates a convenient shopping option for employees.

Choosing the Best Break Room Solution

Of course, choosing between a micro-market and a vending machine doesn’t boil down to these three considerations. Your Nashville & Bowling Green workplace and break room are unique! At Music City Refreshments, we have solutions for nearly every refreshment service need. From secured micro-markets to custom vending machines, and more, there are many options. Get in touch, and we’ll find a solution that works best for you and your needs.

Music City Refreshments is here to help elevate your break room to the next level. Get in touch today at (615) 719-9089.


Bowling Green Micro-Markets | Nashville Vending Solutions | Coffee Service Variety

Maximize the Break Room Refreshment Variety with a Nashville & Bowling Green Micro-Market

Employees today have many dietary needs and personal taste preferences. From limiting carbs to avoiding food allergens, your staff are all looking for something different. Therefore, if you want to ensure you have a great break room, it must offer a wide variety.

How can you best meet this need for more options? The answer is a Nashville & Bowling Green micro-market. It offers all the benefits of a vending solution with even more refreshment choices. Keep reading to find out just what a micro-market could do for your break room.

A Variety of Bigger Bags

Micro-markets are custom designed for your break room space. That means the shelves are suited to holding more of the products your team wants, not just what fits inside a Nashville & Bowling Green vending machine. In a micro-market, there is room for large bags of candy and delicate snack items. For example, there can be healthy options like dried fruit in pouches, or treats like sour candy and chocolate brittle.

There are easily hundreds of different refreshments in a micro-market. This break room solution pairs perfectly with other services, like Nashville & Bowling Green office coffee service. Employees can grab a cup of coffee and their preferred snack, or even breakfast. Protein bar anyone?

Meat & Dairy Options

Another way the micro-market brings a greater selection to your break room is with the food cooler. The open, glass-fronted cooler houses meat and dairy items that go far beyond beef jerky and a carton of milk. The added space lets us put in products like yogurt, cheese snacks, robust meat snacks, and helpful drinks like Kombucha. As a result, your staff gets access to even more good-for-you items. That’s a win in our book.

Bowling Green Fresh Food Variety | Nashville Office Snacks | Wellness

Fresh Food Variety

It can be tough to get fresh food items in a break room, unless that break room has a micro-market. The included food coolers have room for all kinds of freshly made goodies. Shop the micro-market for salads, soups, sandwiches, wraps, and more all made from top-quality ingredients. That includes fresh lettuce, crisp onions, juicy tomatoes, and tons of nutrient-rich items.

Plus, because it’s an open concept, employees can pick up the food containers before they buy them. That lets your team read ingredient labels and visually inspect the food to see how good it looks. And it will look delicious.

Getting fresh food in the break room is a great way to support those trying for better workplace wellness. They will appreciate the mix of choices and the freshness of the food.

Get Delicious Variety with a Nashville & Bowling Green Micro-Market

The open flow and design of a micro-market can bring the mix of options your team wants. From larger healthy items to dairy and fresh food products in the cooler – you’ll get more choices. Yet, the micro-market offers the same fast, easy access to food, snacks, and drinks as our Nashville & Bowling Green vending service.

Ready to learn if a micro-market is right for your business? Contact Music City Refreshments at (615) 719-9089. We can tell you all about this and many of our other break room services.

Nashville Vending | Bowling Green Healthy Break Room | Snacking Trends

Nashville & Bowling Green Micro-Market for Today’s Snacking Trends

There’s nothing like a tasty snack to help you get through the morning. It turns out that many people agree. A recent snacking trends survey shows that 86% of consumers snack regularly. A snack is the perfect way to boost your energy and mood.

So, how can you meet your employees’ needs when they want a snack? The latest snacking data shows how your employees are choosing to snack. They are making different choices than in the past. Some people replace meals with snacks. Others choose snacks based on their nutritional needs. Yet others want to read about snack sustainability stories.

What break room service solution is the best for today’s snacking trends? Put simply, a Nashville & Bowling Green micro-market is the top solution. Why? Here are three reasons a micro-market is the ideal break room solution for today’s snacker.

How Micro-Markets Match Snacking Trends

Today, people are snacking in different ways. Fortunately, a Nashville & Bowling Green micro-market fits in perfectly with snacking trends.

1. Personalized Snacks

Did you know that 90% of consumers around the world agree that everyone has different nutritional needs? In other words, people have different snacking needs. That means you need variety in your Nashville & Bowling Green break room. A micro-market provides that!

Micro-markets are full of many different snacks. The open market concept means that hundreds of snacks, foods, and refreshing beverages can be stocked. At a micro-market, employees can find fresh fruit, salads, sandwiches, wraps, and many other snacks. They’re sure to find something that meets their dietary needs.

Bowling Green Micro-Market | Nashville Snacking Trends | Eco-friendly

2. Ability to Read the Label

As many as 68% of people check nutrition labels on snacks before buying them. A micro-market makes it easy to do just that. Glass front coolers and open shelves mean your employees can peruse the items as if they were in a small convenience store. That makes it easy to pick out healthy options! Employees can also compare similar snacks or beverages to see which best meets their needs.

3. Sustainable Packaging

Today, more people are looking for ways to go green. Up to 70% of consumers prefer to buy snacks that have less plastic packaging. Micro-markets make it possible to offer snacks in non-traditional packaging and sizes.

Add our Nashville & Bowling Green water filtration service to your micro-market for a sustainability boost. Employees will be able to use reusable bottles and cups. Add a single-cup coffee machine for the same benefit!

We are committed to Nashville & Bowling Green sustainability in other ways. We use modern technology to keep track of your micro-market products. That means we know exactly what to bring when restocking. In other words, we take fewer trips, lowering the carbon footprint of your micro-market.

Use Snacking Trends to Boost Your Nashville & Bowling Green Company Morale

With a micro-market, you can improve your Nashville & Bowling Green break room. It’s the perfect break room solution for meeting your employees’ snacking needs. Today’s snacking trends show that people want more variety and more choices. Micro-markets give that to them.

At Music City Refreshments we’re here to help create a micro-market or any break room service to meet your needs. Get in touch today at (615) 719-9089.